Audio Of Planning Applications Committee - 27 May 2015
0:00:18 1. Sederunt and apologies
0:00:43 2. Declarations of Interest
0:01:29 3. Minute of Meeting of 22 April 2015
0:05:06 4. Site 21, Southwick Drive, Dalbeattie –Application for Planning Permission In Principle for erection of Dwellinghouse (15/P/2/0032)
0:26:17 5. Killylour Filter Station, Shawhead, Dumfries – Planning Application for erection of building covering DAF tanks and installation of associated infrastructure (15/P/3/0007)
0:33:44 6. Land adjacent to Dundrennan Community Hall, Dundrennan – Planning application for erection of dwellinghouse with integral domestic garage and formation of access (14/P/2/0485)
Item withdrawn 7. Land south of Barlay Hill, east of Balmaclellan – Planning Application for the erection of an anemometer mast (max height 80m) for a temporary period of 3 years (14/P/2/0383)
Item withdrawn 8. Tonderghie Road, Isle Of Whithorn – Planning Application for erection of dwellinghouse and formation access road (14/P/1/0630)
0:58:02 9. 20 Castle Street, Dumfries - [A] Planning Application for change of use of hairdresser (class 1) to form non-residential institution (class 10) and installation of external staircase and stair lift (removal of existing staircase) (15/P/3/0071); and [B] Listed Building Consent Application for installation of external staircase (removal of existing staircase) and stairlift (15/P/3/0072)
1:12:00 10. Drummore Primary School, Drummore – Planning Application for alterations including formation of pitched roofs over existing flat roofs, installation of insulated render and cladding and installation of new windows and exit doors (15/P/1/0056)
1:16:17 11. Land at Kirkdale Hill, Carsluith, Newton Stewart – Planning Application for the erection of 80 metre high meteorological mast (for a temporary period of two years) (14/P/2/0209)
1:16:30 12. 47A George Douglas Drive, Dumfries - Planning Application for erection of dwellinghouse and formation of access (14/P/3/0394)
1:16:40 13. Any other business deemed urgent by the Chairman due to the need for a decision
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